
Install Program With Wine Mac

  • Where does Wine install programs in the filesystem? Most commonly your installation is in /.wine/drivec/Program. Trying to migrate Windows 7 install of Adobe.
  • Jan 15, 2020 Wine (Wine is not an emulator) is an excellent program that allows you to run Windows programs and games on Linux and macOS. How to Install Wine on Mac OS Mojave You can use Wine to run Windows programs on your Mac because this is both free and specific.
  • Installing Wine. Before you install Wine, make sure that there is no previous Wine installation on your system, either from a package or from source. If you haven't yet installed Wine, you should be fine. Many Linux distributions come with an included Wine package, but due to Wine's rapid development rate these are usually old and often broken.

If the command works, it will show the path where mac ports are installed. After installing macports it is.

How To Use Wine Mac

Wine logo

Downloading and Installing Wine

The easiest way to download and install Wine is to download the pre-compiled builds of wine from PlayOnMac. Getting Wine this way saves you from having to install the Apple Developer Tools (around 4GB) and compiling Wine yourself (which takes quite a long time).

Look for the package with the largest number (e.g., 1.3.23); the list on the downloads page doesn't necessarily have the newest version of Wine at the top.

Once it's downloaded (the tar.gz file should be around 21MB), decompress the archive, rename the resulting folder to 'wine', and move it to your home folder (or wherever you like).

Wine should be usable now (just point to the 'wine' binary in Terminal.app), but there are a few things you can do to make using it a little easier.

Setting up Wine

Now that Wine is installed, you may need to do a few things in order to get Wine completely set up.

1. Make Wine accessible from any directory

This will make it so you can use Wine in any directory without having to specify its complete path. Here's an example of what I mean:



Doesn't the second one look easier? It keeps us from having always to specify the path to the Wine binary (~/wine/bin/wine) whenever we want to use Wine.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Open Terminal.app
  2. Type open ~/.profile and press return. This should open a document in your default text editor (likely TextEdit.app)
    • If the file doesn't exist:
      1. Type open ~/.bash_profile and press return
      2. Add source ~/.profile to the end of that file
      3. In Terminal, type touch ~/.profile && open ~/.profile and press return
  3. Add the following lines to the end of the file, replacing [username] with your username:
    • Note: this could be put into .bash_profile, but I recommend keeping personal additions in .profile so that you can always delete the .profile file if something goes awry
  4. Save the file
  5. Quit and reopen Terminal.app
    • When it opens, Terminal checks .bash_profile and .profile for things like PATH variables, but won't know they're there unless you restart the application
  6. Type which wine and press return to test whether everything worked properly
    • This should return the same path that you specified in the .profile file
  7. That's it!

Now, whenever you type wine in the Terminal, it will know that you mean ~/wine/bin/wine. The same goes for all executables in that folder. If you want to configure Wine, for instance, all you have to do is enter winecfg in a Terminal window, and the Wine configuration window will open.

If you get an error when trying to run winecfg, read on:

Use Wine Mac

2. Fix the 'failed to load libX11.6.dylib' error

Once you've installed Wine and added its binaries to your path, you might need to give your Terminal a little more information in order for it to be able to use Wine properly.

When running winecfg or using Wine some other way, you might come up with some of the following errors:

  • err:x11drv:process_attach failed to load libX11.6.dylib: dlopen(libX11.6.dylib, 266): image not found
  • Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
  • Make sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.

Luckily, there's an easy fix:

  1. Open your .profile file (run open ~/.profile in Terminal)
  2. Enter the following into your .profile file:
  3. Save and close .profile
  4. Restart Terminal.app
  5. That's it!

How to configure Wine

That's easy: run winecfg in Terminal.

How to launch a program with Wine

The part we've all been waiting for! Here are the Terminal commands for Wine:

  • For an EXE file: wine Application.exe (you can drag-and-drop the file onto the Terminal window to get the path)
  • For an MSI file: wine start Installer.msi

Here's a video demonstrating how easy it is to install a Windows program on your Mac using Wine:

This video shows the installation process of Notepad++. Some applications don't need to be installed and run directly from the .EXE file.

For installed apps, you'd better know where they're installed if you want to use them again! Read on:

Where Wine files are stored

Wine files are stored in a hidden folder called .wine: /ableton-live10-full-crack-free-download.html.

Hidden files and folders are hidden in OS X, so to open this folder in Finder, just use the open command in Terminal:

Here you'll see some files and probably two folders, one called 'dosdevices' and the other called 'drive_c'. 'drive_c' is the C: drive in Windows, like 'Macintosh HD' on a Mac.

To get right to where the applications are installed, use this command:

That will open the Windows 'Program Files' folder in Finder so you can browse your installed Windows programs.

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Installing WineHQ packages

Official WineHQ packages of the development and stable branches are available for macOS 10.8 to 10.14 (Wine won't work on macOS Catalina 10.15). Please test these packages and report any bugs at http://bugs.winehq.org.


  1. XQuartz >= 2.7.7
  2. Gatekeeper must not be set to block unsigned packages.


Both .pkg files and tarball archives are available at https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/macosx/download.html.

Installing from a .pkg file is recommended for inexperienced users.

To install from a .pkg file, double-click on the package, and the usual macOS installer wizard should open. The process should be self-explanatory. It is possible to install the package either for all users (needs administrator privileges), or just for your current user. After the installation is finished, you should find an entry 'Wine Staging' or 'Wine Devel' in your Launchpad. By clicking on it, a new Terminal window opens with a short introduction into some important wine commands. You can now directly start wine/winecfg/.. from the Terminal, as the PATH variable is set correctly. For user convenience, the package also associates itself with all *.exe files, which means you can run windows executables just by double-clicking on them.

To install from a tarball archive, simply unpack it into any directory. There is no need to set DYLD_* environment variables; all paths are relative, so it should work as long as the directory structure is preserved (you can skip the /usr prefix though using --strip-components 1).

For more information, see https://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-devel/2015-December/110990.html and https://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-devel/2016-January/111010.html.

Installing Winehq packages using homebrew

Winehq packages can be installed using homebrew

XQuartz can be installed using;

To install wine the following command can be used;

wine-stable, wine-devel or wine-staging packages can be installed using the above example.The advantage of installing via homebrew means wine is available from a standard terminal session

Building Wine

Install Program With Wine Mac And Sausage

See Building Wine on macOS

Uninstalling Wine

  • Remove the source tree and binaries.

Using Homebrew:

Using MacPorts, uninstall the wine package you previously installed:

Replace wine with wine-devel if you installed the development version.

/how-to-reset-garageband-mac.html. Using Fink:

Replace wine with wine-dev if you installed the development version.

Otherwise and if you used `sudo make install`, revert it:

Then simply delete your local Wine source code directory:

Wine For Mac Catalina

  • Clean-up pseudo C: drive and registry entries as well as all programs installed to C:
  • Check the hidden directory `$HOME/.local/` where Wine stores some desktop menu entries and icon files as it interoperates with the X.Org Foundation and the Free Desktop.

Note: Files in this directory are unused on macOS unless you use a UNIX window manager and other X11 applications instead of the native MacOS apps.

Third Party Versions

Third party versions of Wine, such as Wineskin, Winebottler, and PlayOnMac, are not supported by WineHQ. If you are using one of those products, please retest in plain Wine before filing bugs, submitting AppDB test reports, or asking for help on the forum or in IRC.

See Also

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