9.6 Ableton Update Mac
Not sure how long auto-update has been an Ableton feature, but it royally screwed me. Broke 2 custom midi remote scripts I had installed.
I have a gig in 2 days, not a fun space to occupy.
Rollback would hopefully fix it, BUT 9.5 is not available in the download archive.
Please remedy this ASAP and answer these questions..
-what (likely) broke the scripts on this update and how can I fix this?
-Am I able to use saved projects from 9.6 in 9.5? (pretty sure I already know the answer is no)
-when did auto update become a feature and
-WHY WHY WHY would you enable this feature BY DEFAULT??????
There are people who work weeks (months, years) to perfect a controller scheme and setup, who rely on this setup to work, and who could be damaged (monetarily, creatively, mentally) by updates that break this setup. I would NEVER consent to receive auto updates for this exact reason, yet somehow one sneaked by the goalie. AND as predicted, it had the EXACT consequence I hoped to prevent by NEVER updating, before addressing stability. compatibility and thoroughly backing up my sets. This feature should require triple consent, with huge warnings advising backup of all files before continuing.
in the name of the god that I don't pray to, get me out this mess!!!
Download Ableton Live for free and start making music now. Cookie banner By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of cookies and other technologies to process your personal information in order to personalize and enhance your user experience, and get statistics of visits. How do Automatic updates work? Updates are very small files. If there's an active internet connection, any available update will be downloaded when Live is started. /ableton-live-32-bit-free-download.html. Depending on the speed of your connection, an update should only take a couple of minutes or less to download.
Not sure how long auto-update has been an Ableton feature, but it royally screwed me. Broke 2 custom midi remote scripts I had installed.
I have a gig in 2 days, not a fun space to occupy.
Rollback would hopefully fix it, BUT 9.5 is not available in the download archive.
9.6 Ableton Update Mac Free
Please remedy this ASAP and answer these questions..
-what (likely) broke the scripts on this update and how can I fix this?
-Am I able to use saved projects from 9.6 in 9.5? (pretty sure I already know the answer is no)
-when did auto update become a feature and
-WHY WHY WHY would you enable this feature BY DEFAULT??????
There are people who work weeks (months, years) to perfect a controller scheme and setup, who rely on this setup to work, and who could be damaged (monetarily, creatively, mentally) by updates that break this setup. I would NEVER consent to receive auto updates for this exact reason, yet somehow one sneaked by the goalie. AND as predicted, it had the EXACT consequence I hoped to prevent by NEVER updating, before addressing stability. compatibility and thoroughly backing up my sets. This feature should require triple consent, with huge warnings advising backup of all files before continuing.
in the name of the god that I don't pray to, get me out this mess!!!